This is written for anyone who will listen

This is about as publicly vulnerable as a person can get, but I nevergiveupneed to get this out, because maybe it will help someone else who is facing the same challenges.

I have come to the conclusion that other than a very select few people, I am viewed as someone who may be chasing a silly dream.  I have identified a small handful of those who believe in me and in what I am doing, absolutely.  There are many more who either vocally or silently do not have that same faith.  Sometimes I hear things like you haven’t got there yet so your probably not going to, or how long are you going to keep this up?  Well here is the answer, as long as it takes!

Sometimes great sacrifice is required to achieve great change.  The past few years have been a really rough road, but no more rough than anyone else.  Our family has had a really hard time financially and my quitting my job to chase a dream has made it that much worse.  Great strain, difficult change, humble requests for help, we have been through it all.  I am not ashamed.  I am so grateful for my kids who try to understand my intentions and believe in me even though it is a burden on them, my mom who joins me in the fight, and my husband who although is also struggling, works hard to try and keep us afloat.  All of this is not unrecognized, and although it appears I act in spite of this, I must tell you it is really because of this type of sacrifice that I must stay the course and change will come!  I am among associates, friends and even my closest of family members, yet in many ways so very alone, sometimes ignored, other times criticized, it gets pretty uncomfortable, but I pay it no mind.  Because maybe I have not earned the type of success that makes others want to follow, but it is coming and I know that all the people who need me are out there waiting.  When I find them we will get there together.

I KNOW WHERE I AM GOING, AND I AM NOT GOING TO STOP UNTIL I GET THERE!  It might take one more day, and it might take until I take my last breath, but I will live the life of my dreams and I will help as many other people as I can to do the very same.  Now either you believe me and want join me, or you don’t.  I love you all the same.  But mark my words, at some point in the future you will all see me become something beyond your wildest belief and you will say to yourselves, wow she really did it. What comes next will either be, I wish I would have listened, or DAMN I am sure glad I took notice and got on board!

If you are someone who ever feels the same, I need to hear from you.  I need to know that there are more people out there who believe so much in themselves and their purpose that they are willing to risk it all.  Maybe you are afraid, maybe you are still figuring it out and that’s OK, but speak up and tell the world that you are here and you are proud to say you are amazing and your dreams will come true!

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