How to calm a restless mind at bedtime

Been a while since I posted anything about essential oils.  Seems as though everyone has an opinion on the subject these days.  Whats more, it seems like everyone has some kind of buy me or join me ad on Facebook taromatherapyhese days.

How about some education you can use to improve your life?

According to Dr. David Hill, and many other aromatherapy/chemistry experts, you can inhale oils to elicit emotional responses.



Why do you care? Have you ever wanted to turn your frown upside down? Perhaps calm your mind at bedtime, or bring peace where restlessness exists?

Much like a supplement or drinking enough water can accelerate your weight loss plan by combining with healthy diet and exercise, an essential oil can help bring a better result when combined with your other emotional balance efforts.

Bring a happy feeling to your heart.  Put a few drops of a citrus oil in the palm of your hand, cup and bring your your face close your eyes, smile (even if you have to force one) and inhale very deeply. Repeat this over and over until you start to feel uplifted and revitalized.  Do this as many times a day as you need to and see what happens over time. The oil will help you teach your subconscious that you can bring happy to your life whenever you smile.

Bring a more grounded and secure state of mind.  Put a few drops of a tree or wood oil in the palm of your hand.  Rub the back of your neck and the bottoms of your feet, stand tall, plant your feed shoulder width apart, picture a tall and strong tree, and say either out loud or in your mind “I am stead fast and grounded.  I can be flexible, but am sure in my direction and confident in my decisions.”  Again repeat this as many times in a day as you need to and see what happens over time.  The aroma will help you become confident and grounded at a subconscious level and eventually diminish those feelings of being unsure of yourself for good.

Calm a restless mind at bedtime.  Put a few drops of an herb like basil and/or a few drops of lavender on your pillow, wrists and back of your neck.  Close your eyes and do some breathing exercises.  Make peace with all you accomplished today and have respect for all you will do for tomorrow.  Trust that your worries will fade and all will be right with the world for tonight.  Make a decision to focus on the rest you need so you can be productive.  Now create a story in your mind, be sure you can smell the aroma of the oils you chose to use.  Go on a stroll down a country lane and notice as many details as you can.  Do not worry if you notice yourself thinking about other things, just bring yourself back to the moment and do that over and over again if you have to.  As you walk down that path think about the sound of the water below, the birds chirping, the light coming through the leaves, the sound of your feet on the ground, the anticipation of the opening at the end of the path.  Talk with the companion beside you about a dream for the future, decide on a vacation destination, sing a song together, make the story as long as you can until you drift off.  Do this every night with the same smell, and the same story you used the night before.  Eventually your sub conscious mind will learn how to bring you to calm at bedtime.  It mike take practice and repetition but it will eventually become automatic.

Find other way s to use aromatherapy for your mood and please share them with us in the comments so we can all learn new ways.



What do motorcycles and drums have in common?

Imagine yourself in a career that allows you to do exactly what you love every day, pays the bills and then some, and showcases your natural talents and abilities.  Now imaging the flexibility to spend time with your kids, or friends, take vacations, and live the life you see in your dreams.  What if you could just take a few small steps that would put you in that vision, or one step closer to that being your reality?

Dream on you say?  You are right, it will be tough, do not be afraid.  It is not an easy task, but it is super possible if you are willing and if you believe in yourself enough.

Can I tell you a short story?

As a young man, my brother was a gifted motocross rider who was nearly #1 in our state and about to break into the pro scene.  He was also a killer drummer and could have taken his talent all the way, but he didn’t, why?

He was afraid, lacked vision, and had foresight I suppose.  He could only see one way to take his talent as a drummer and a rider and make it a career.  One of them would put his life on the line, a risk he did not enjoy and the other would take him on the road, away from his family, in a tough industry; being a rock star just was not for him.  Perhaps the idea of going after what he loved was scary to him like it can be to most of us and he chose to move away from that fear subconsciously…

He still has a drum kit in his basement, which he still plays regularly and stills amazes everyone who hears him play.  He still has a motorcycle in his garage which he rides regularly and still amazes everyone who rides with him.  When you naturally navigate to something in this way it it a natural indicator of your passion and true purpose.

His life turned out just fin…don’t worry. Turns out he had another skill and he found a way to be passionate and make a living.  He is very fortunate.

Truth is we are not all like my brother, we are not all gifted in so many ways, that not pursuing greatness is ok because we have other options.  But…we are all gifted in some way and if you back away from that gift because of fear or lack of vision, you are cheating yourself, your family and the rest of the world.

The key to true happiness is alignment of three things.

  1. Passion – do you love what you do and are you doing what you love? Are what you do to make money and what you do as a hobby the same?
  2. Skills – are you skilled in your career or hobby? are you constantly working to develop or improve those skills?
  3. Money – can you make or are you making the money you need to create the life you deserve to live, the one you see in your dreams?

Bring these together…That is all there is to it?  So how do you get there?

  1. Seek a mentor who can help you discover your passion, create a vision, adjust your mindset and help you recognize skills and avenues you didn’t know were there.
  2. Enroll in some classes, read a book, or join a study group where you can learn some skill and then PRACTICE.
  3. Visualize, meditate, or journal every day until the answers manifest themselves.
  4. Attend a workshops on discovering your purpose in life.
  5. Invest in yourself and your dreams every day.

Whatever you do, make sure your skills and passions align with your future in a way that inspires you to do the thing.  Do not wait, start now!



Read this to the end, it isn’t too long and I am going to quote some pretty sweet song lyrics in here.

We were driving along the other day and I asked my passenger a question. Now this was a question that you would expect to be very simple to answer. “If you could have any car, what car would you have?”

The answer…

“I don’t know I don’t really think about that stuff.”

Now perhaps it is because the material is not really important, and that is just fine. But, it is more likely that many of us do not “think about that stuff” because we are so caught up in the muck and mire of the day to day grind of the present, AND held back by the regrets of the past, AND held down like a weight of an elephant by the worry of the future, that thoughts of what could be (in a good way) are never even allowed.

Today I have a dare for you, I dare you to dream as big as humanly possible. Come on get a little wild. I mean what does it hurt? It does not have to seem possible for you to dream a little. I am Sultan and I have a gold plated Audi R8.

I  wrap every piece of furniture I have in the finest silk of jewel colors and take baths of milk and honey every day.

I don’t always eat grapes, but when I do I only eat the finest grapes, flown in from the finest vineyards, where my very own world renowned wine is produced.

I live in a yurt on a Hawaiian island and surf 5 times per day, and nap in between.

I travel the world and donate stacks of money and help to all of the villages where children are starving and sick.

If you had no boundaries, all the time in the world, the richest parents, no debt, no kids to take to school, no job to weigh you down, no regret of what you ate for dinner, no worry of how to fix your aching back, NO BOUNDARIES, what exactly would you do and what exactly would you have?

Take 5 minutes a day and day dream this stuff. Throw in there some things that you know are impossible, but who cares?! We are dreaming really big. I am going to ride on the back of a flying heffalump. Or I am going to saddle up Pegasus and race to the moon, or I am going to solve all of the violence in the world.

Do this for just a few minutes every day. You can find time while you are cooking dinner, or drifting off to sleep, or in the shower. Take five to ten minutes and replace your regrets of the past and worries of the future that are in your mind right now with some good ole fashioned childish dreaming.

Waste of time? Not any more of a waste of time than the thought you are thinking right now about your friend or boss, or cousin, or spouse who pissed you off last night.

Be well,

Rock fans, or not remember the song Dream on by Aeromsmith?  Steven Tyler, had a great message way back in 1973 (the year I was  born).  I think that message was WHO cares about the crap that hurt us in the past, and WHO cares about the worries of tomorrow.  Live in this moment and while you are go and get what you really want!  Lets celebrate the hardship and the success, because that is what made you the perfection that you are.  So come on…

“Sing with me, sing for the years, sing for the laughter and sing for the tears.  Sing with me, just for today, maybe tomorrow the good lord take you away.”


More on this subject tomorrow…be sure to tune in.

And hey! Go ahead and open the blog and type what you dreamed about in the comments section. I am super excited to see what everyone thought of.

P.S. If you got value, you can subscribe to my blog so the articles come to you directly and you do not miss anything. and if you think others will enjoy, go ahead and sharedream on it.

Feeling stuck? This will help.

Yesterday we started exploring the success principles as they were followed and written by Jack Canfield.  What is success to you?  Chances are you are not really sure how to answer that question.  The next few paragraphs are designed to help you determine your life purpose and hopefully translate that into an income.

Some people just know from birth exactly what they want, why they want it, and how they will get it…and then they do just that.

The rest of us wander the earth wondering how we missed that boat.  If you are like the old me you find yourself dividing your time between what you have to do (your job) and what you want to do, your passion.  The time left over gets divided between the personal chores in life.  Well not anymore!

just woke upWhat if you could get back on that boat?  You know the one you missed early in life.  I believe it is never too late to find your purpose and then start living it.  It wont happen over night, but it can happen.

So what is your purpose?  Are you a servant of your church and community? Are you a born sales person? Are you sure you were an animal in your past life? Are you a natural care giver?  What is it that you were put on this earth to do?  Figure that out and everything will start to fall into place.  Here is how:

  1. Start by getting some time to yourself and bring a pen and paper.  At some point in your childhood you found yourself playing make believe, or drawing a picture of what you wanted to be or do when you grew up…what was it? I wanted to teach dance.
  2. Now ask yourself: What 1-5 things do I do that bring me the most joy? For me it is travel, helping others to be empowered to dream and change, eating good food, hanging out with my family, and finding simple solutions to problems.
  3. What do you naturally gravitate toward and can do for hours without getting tired or bored?  For me it is learning, growing, and inspiring change through education.
  4. Which 2 or 3 words best describe you? For me it is intuitive, explorer, and calming through education.

Go back through each of those 4 questions and look for the similarities or common thread.  For me it is teaching, inspiring, empowering, and solving problems.  Because I enjoy travel, dreaming, personal growth, food, music and dance I am sure I need to incorporate these creative attributes into my life.  

This is your purpose, or perhaps a clue to your purpose.  Now wasn’t that easy?

Last part of this article is to make a list of ways you can use your purpose to make a living, or use it to volunteer or as your passion.  If every goal you set, every action you take towards those goals is not in line with this purpose…stop!

Remember taking responsibility is what we committed to in the last article.  Only when you discover your purpose and take 100% responsibility for applying that to your life, can you expect to find success.  If you choose not to do this exercise or take that responsibility, you definitely should not complain about the outcomes.

Remember if you got benefit from this post and think others would too, go ahead and share it.

We are all in this together,

Be well.

Jack Says No More Excuses

I just finished reading The Success Principles, by Jack Canfield (Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul books) for the second time.  it is 64 chapters and a little under 450 pages, packed with step by step instructions on how to get from where you are now, to where you want to be.  You should read it too, but I am going to give you the readers digest play by play.  It took me several weeks to get all the way through it, and worth every minute!

So what is success?  Many of us look at the word success and think money, but is that really how you measure success?  I think it is definitely a large part of it.  Not saying you need to have a certain amount in the bank to be called successful, but that you need to earn enough to live the life you want and deserve to live.  AND enough to help other people along the way.

We were late for Thanksgiving dinner. For some reason we are programmed to feel that if we find an excuse, the judgment is not so swift. Actually, the judgment is worse because people learn to label us as excuse makers, complainers, blamers, and finger pointers. How is this better?

Truth is, there were a few things that resulted in our being late. When we walked in the door I was ready to tell everyone how I couldn’t get my husband out of the door because he wanted to watch the game. How my daughter was late getting ready because she insisted on making us a delicious breakfast. How the neighbors insisted we come over for a cup of coffee and then would not let us leave, but I didn’t. Instead I apologized for being late, explained that I didn’t plan ahead as I should and get my pies done the night before and that was that.

Step 1: Learn to take 100% responsibility. This one might take some people longer than others to digest and implement. I am still working on it. This means that if something is not right in your life you are either causing it or allowing it. Either way it is your responsibility to change it. STOP making excuses. An excuse is how we either get out of doing what we are supposed to or how we lessen the blame for what we did or didn’t do. For example:

I can’t lose weight because I can’t afford healthy food, and I don’t have any time to go to the gym.

Jack says total responsibility for everything starts with NO MORE EXCUSES. Here is a list of my favorites:
I don’t have time
It doesn’t work
I don’t have the money
I can’t find it
He doesn’t support me
I don’t have a car
My teacher/boss is a jerk
My kids are sick
I don’t like healthy food
It is too hard to quit
I enjoy a drink to calm down
It is not my fault
I only said that because you said _______
I can’t go on vacation with kids and a job
I can’t go after that dream, I have to work and make money
I have too much to do

If you catch yourself using any kind of excuse other than, I didn’t make it a priority, you’re cheating yourself. If you are dying for a brownie and there is a large plate in front of you, and you are trying to cut the sugar…walk away and find a way to distract yourself.

A few other points to keep in mind:

  • Avoid shaming yourself for it. Taking responsibility is not the same as shaming yourself, it is just simply recognizing that your own actions are keeping you from your goals.
  • The event + your response=the outcome: Quite simply how you respond to the thing that happened is what produces the outcome, not the event all by itself.
  • Everything you are experiencing today, is the direct result of the choices you have made in the past. DON’T IGNORE THIS embrace it. Every time you make a choice, you have to think of what the outcome will be and then get right with it when it happens. If you eat a brownie and allow your response to be “that’s it no more diet” and then gain 10 more pounds…you cant blame the office parties for all the weight you are gaining.
  • Everyone has heard this one, but do you really get it? “If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always got.
  • If you keep waiting until the last minute to get ready for the test, you will keep getting a lower score than you want. If you keep doubting yourself, you will never get that promotion you want, etc.
  • You have to give up complaining: if you are complaining you have to believe that something better exists. Stop complaining, it does not change anything. Instead of saying your complaint out loud, get in the habit of saying a solution out loud. A solution you can be part of. Learn to eat better, Say no to peer pressure, Quit and find a better job, Take time to research that thing you are about to do or buy, Trust your gut, Pursue your dream, Take care of your possessions, Ask for help, Find a solution for the mess your dogs are making.

Life becomes so much better when you take responsibility and look for solutions. Your Life will be Better if you start taking 100% responsibility.

Still not convinced? Your results do not lie. If your results are not what you want them to be, what can you do?

Did you like this?  Let me know in the comments.  I love feedback.

Do you know someone else who could benefit?  Feel free to share it.

I dedicate this post to you.

I had lunch with some dear friends the other day.  It is a group of ladies that I worked with for a while and we just connected on such a level that we all need one another.  It is not that we see each other or even talk all of the time, but the moments we do share are so very amazing for each of us.  Our names all end with the letter A.  We all came together in a common office on the same team even.  We have all since become something very different professionally than we were then.  Each of us still pursuing our true purpose and getting a little closer each day.  We used to be recruiters and marketers of doctors and now we are:  A training and development manager who is personally committed to the success of her people, an executive corporate recruiter who has incredible strategist ability, a registered nurse continuing her education and helping to save lives, a super bright, almost to graduate law student with a great job waiting for her, an artist so talented you just know she will be famous, and me a blogger, business builder, networking professional, and recruiter working to change the way you create your life.

As we all talked I realized something very important about the people I have attracted in my life and the kind of people I want to keep attracting.  Each of them has been an inspiration to me.  Each of them I hold in such high esteem, and each of them is like a sister.  I am so grateful to have such strong and powerful women by my side and in my life.

Last night I read a new chapter in the Success Principles.  A great read that I get out and re read yearly.  The chapter was about being a better listener and talking less. It explained how you should ask people you are in a mentoring situation with four specific questions to really get their creative juices flowing and get them focused on a vision.  At the end of the chapter it advises you if they do not want to answer, they are clearly not people you want to associate with, because they do not share in your mindset.

When I went to bed I could not go to sleep.  I realize that each and every person I have encountered has given me a gift, a gift of knowledge, a gift of inspiration.. Those who have and will remain a constant in my life have also offered the gift of unconditional love.  The kind that lets you know that you are loved just as you are and the true beauty inside of me shines bright.  They believe in me, support me, hold me up, even when I screw up.  The ones who didn’t stay in view, or who don’t love me just the way I am taught me something as well.  I have some very unique gifts to offer the world and I have a purpose for those gifts.  This is what I am driven to do every single day, paid or not paid.  Those who either need to benefit from or feed that gift and that purpose will stay in view, and those who do not need to benefit from or feed that gift will not.

Do not be afraid if what you are trying to say is not heard by certain people.  Do not lose confidence in your product, your service, or your vision/dream because someone does not get it.  Even if lots of people don’t get it.  Just always focus on those who are there with you no matter what, the ones who do get it, and you will attract more of their kind.

In closing I want all of you to offer a thought of thanks and love to all those who have blessed your life, for better or for worse.  Remember that they had a gift to offer you, it may have been knowledge, it may have been to bounce you back to your path, and it may have been to simply stall or slow you down for a while until the time was right to move on.  Keep in view, those who continue to inspire you and feed you with great lessons, for those are the angels who are going to help you get where you are going and likely benefit from your loyalty many times along the way.

This entry is dedicated to every single person I have ever had the experience to know.  And for every person that will cross my path.  For it is each and ever one of you that has gotten me where I am today and for that I am damn thankful.  Bless you.

I get by with a little help from my friends…gonna try with a little help from my friends

banner_getinvolved_05Something happened yesterday that moved me to share it.

One of the executive members (owners) of the company I get my products from and recruit members for gave an interview and When asked to summarize in a sentence or two what our purpose was, he simply said to “help people”.

Zig Zigler said “if you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want”.

The following is the list of ways that we can help people in business. The company I chose provides access to all of them.

  • Improved health:
    o Weight loss
    o Emotional balance
    o Total body wellness
    o Health education
    o Nutritional support
    o Immune support
    o Less pain
    o More energy
    o Better breathing
    o Smoother digestion
    o Stronger heart and blood flow
    o Younger looking healthier skin
    o Stronger, shinier hair
    o And more…
  • Financial success
    o Unlimited earning potential from a little extra cash, to 6 figures per month
    o Weekly and monthly bonuses
    o Small business tax benefits
    o And more…
  • Helping the less fortunate
    o Humanitarian Missions
    o Co Impact Sourcing
    o Autism centers
    o Personal loans to small businesses in third world countries
    o Food and relief for disaster stricken countries/villages
    o And more…
  • Personal Growth and Development
    o Endless opportunity for personal growth
    o Live motivational events
    o Free education and training
    o Every level of achievement is supported
  • Travel to exotic locations
    o Mexico
    o Haiti
    o Dominican Republic
    o Jamaica
    o Nepal
    o And more…

It got me thinking about how often we hear people say they like their job, and the company is great, and they make OK money, but they don’t feel like they are making a difference, or don’t feel appreciated for their efforts. Do you think having the opportunity to help people in one or all of these ways could fill that void? Do you need help in any of these areas?

I want to hear from you, how are you and your company helping people? How can we help you?

This is written for anyone who will listen

This is about as publicly vulnerable as a person can get, but I nevergiveupneed to get this out, because maybe it will help someone else who is facing the same challenges.

I have come to the conclusion that other than a very select few people, I am viewed as someone who may be chasing a silly dream.  I have identified a small handful of those who believe in me and in what I am doing, absolutely.  There are many more who either vocally or silently do not have that same faith.  Sometimes I hear things like you haven’t got there yet so your probably not going to, or how long are you going to keep this up?  Well here is the answer, as long as it takes!

Sometimes great sacrifice is required to achieve great change.  The past few years have been a really rough road, but no more rough than anyone else.  Our family has had a really hard time financially and my quitting my job to chase a dream has made it that much worse.  Great strain, difficult change, humble requests for help, we have been through it all.  I am not ashamed.  I am so grateful for my kids who try to understand my intentions and believe in me even though it is a burden on them, my mom who joins me in the fight, and my husband who although is also struggling, works hard to try and keep us afloat.  All of this is not unrecognized, and although it appears I act in spite of this, I must tell you it is really because of this type of sacrifice that I must stay the course and change will come!  I am among associates, friends and even my closest of family members, yet in many ways so very alone, sometimes ignored, other times criticized, it gets pretty uncomfortable, but I pay it no mind.  Because maybe I have not earned the type of success that makes others want to follow, but it is coming and I know that all the people who need me are out there waiting.  When I find them we will get there together.

I KNOW WHERE I AM GOING, AND I AM NOT GOING TO STOP UNTIL I GET THERE!  It might take one more day, and it might take until I take my last breath, but I will live the life of my dreams and I will help as many other people as I can to do the very same.  Now either you believe me and want join me, or you don’t.  I love you all the same.  But mark my words, at some point in the future you will all see me become something beyond your wildest belief and you will say to yourselves, wow she really did it. What comes next will either be, I wish I would have listened, or DAMN I am sure glad I took notice and got on board!

If you are someone who ever feels the same, I need to hear from you.  I need to know that there are more people out there who believe so much in themselves and their purpose that they are willing to risk it all.  Maybe you are afraid, maybe you are still figuring it out and that’s OK, but speak up and tell the world that you are here and you are proud to say you are amazing and your dreams will come true!

You get what you think about…really!

Quick message for you to ponder.  Click here to listen vs. reading my post

I tell people all of the time that those words they choose and the thoughts they think depict what happens to them which determines how they feel about their lives which continues the cycle. Of course they typically tell me I’m weird or they don’t believe it or that crap works for you, but not for me.

Well a MUCH wiser person than me actually studied the brain and human behavior for many years, you may have heard of him his name is Bob Proctor. Just a hint he was a star of the film The Secret. He made it so simple for us to understand that he put it in this graphic.

thoughts diagram

So let’s think about this. Let’s say you have an argument with your spouse over money. After the argument your THOUGHT is “I hate money” or “Now I am not even allowed t have anything for myself for how hard I work?” or “How dare he say that to me when I work so hard?” or “Money is the route of all evil” This puts you in a bad mood about money don’t you think. EMOTION is angry, or scared, or worried. So you are mad at your spouse because he said we don’t have enough money and wouldn’t let you buy a purse. So when you get your pay check you show him right? Your ACTION is then to go out and you shop like you are a Hollywood actress and WAY overspend your money. The RESULT is that you are short to pay your bills and are now facing a shut off notice on your electrical bill. So now your PERCEPTION is that you what? Don’t have or make enough money. So your THOUGHTS are what are we going to do? We will never dig out of this hole? I’m so tired of working my butt off and not having anything to show for it a day after payday, and so on…

This concept works with any topic you choose, you try it. What are you thinking about right now? Play it out in the cycle and see how it goes for you.

Good news is it works in positive situation as well.

Lets say the exact same scenario happens, but when you are confronted about the purse you say, I am sorry you feel that way, but I ran the numbers and decided just how much I could spend on this purse, researched it until I found the best possible price and made sure all the bills were paid first. I really wanted to have something nice to show for my hard work. Now your THOUGHT is I am proud of how I handled that and I know that I make smart financial decisions. I sure love my new purse and am glad I could get it. The EMOTION is pride, satisfaction, etc. So now the ACTION is when you get paid you do what? You run the numbers and pay the bills on time and perhaps if there is money left over you buy yourself or your husband something nice. The RESULT is the bills are paid and you got to spend money that you work so hard for. The PERCEPTION is that you have enough to do everything you want if you budget properly. The THOUGHT is I work hard, make good money, spend it wisely and everyone is happy. And so on…

Start paying attention to your thoughts, the words you use, the messages you post on social media, etc. Are these thoughts good, positive, healthy thoughts or are they putting you in a cycle that keeps you from getting what you want in life?

How does she do it?

Good morning,

As promised here is the next installment of the “look at your career differently” article.

I am a day late with this, sorry. Yesterday was a super good day full of training and networking, so I didn’t get to my computer at all.Life Purpose

In my last article I showed you this diagram.

Today I want to dig into the diagram and talk about how I am using it to really get to a perfect balance of loving what I do, getting paid what I am worth, and using my skills and talents to bring something good to the world.

Step 1. Make an I love it list: Yeah I know, homework is boring and time consuming, but this is absolutely necessary to get you thinking. This list should contain anything and everything you enjoy doing in your life. Mine looked something like this:




Enjoying my family

Connecting with people

Empowering others


Getting better at things I do




Make the list as long as you can. Really get into it. Maybe you only enjoy a couple of things and maybe you are a party animal and can go on for days.

Step 2. Write down every little thing you are good at: Either because you win every game, have a ton of friends, someone told you that it is a talent, or you just happen to know you are good at something write it down. Mine looked something like this:

Understanding people

Learning and teaching

Listening and relating to children



Relationship building

Working a room

Bringing a calm to a situation


Step 3. What do you need to get paid: This is going to be a little different list. It is time to really understand what you want. If you know what you want, you know what you deserve to be paid and how much flexibility you need with your time. Be super specific; really visualize these things to the finest detail. Only then can you decide which occupation will get you there. The list should include:

Where you want to live? (location, house, decorations, land size, servants or not, etc.)

What you will drive? (which car, how many cars, what color, year, make, model, interior color, engine, etc)

Where you want to go? (Which countries, which oceans, which beaches, which cities, which historical land marks, which mountains will you visit, etc?)

How do you get there? (sail boat, first class, private jet, on horse back, by train, etc)

What you want to do? (Skydive, do a pilgrimage, clime Everest, help a friend realize a dream, dance with your kids in the rain, become a doctor, run for president, etc)

What are your possessions? (motorized toys, art, livestock, shoe and purse collection, tools, etc.)

What contributions do you make to the community or charity? (donations, humanitarian trips, church programs, sub for Santa, open an orphanage; start a new kind of nursing home, etc.)

Step 4: Get paid what you deserve: Now that you know what you want and have decided what it will cost per year for you to have these things, look at your list of professions and highlight a couple that will help you get there. Don’t be overwhelmed, this is an exercise in dreaming big. You will experience all kinds of thoughts like I cant, or its not possible, just ignore those thoughts and keep going. On your list pick highlight everything that really jumps out at you as something you can start doing now, even part time, to work towards living the life of purpose.

I have a very detailed list of what I want in life. I look at it all of the time. It includes things like vacation homes for me and my friends and family to use, a very nice but modest home on a small farm, to travel the entire world, to go on some humanitarian missions, to help my kids all realize their dreams, to empower 100 people to realize their dreams, to be involved with my church community and give back, to drive a Corvette, and an Audi, etc. I know that to do all of this I need an income of around a million dollars per year and that I need to continue to learn new skills, doing what I love in my network marketing businesses. Which by the way I am proud to say, is the only profession on my list that will allow me the freedom and income I need to do what I want in the shortest amount of time. It is the only industry that will help me to create a residual income so that I can go and do and still earn.

This is my dream and my goal, what is yours?

If you find value in this article, feel free to share it. If you would like to learn more about how to get started in the business or career you found here, then send me an email back and we can get you working in that direction. Because you deserve to live a life of purpose and you are capable of doing just that.

Be well,
